Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Is Master's Pay Going Away

Check out the article, "Economists Take Aim At Bonuses For Teachers With Master's Degreeshttp://www.huffingtonpost.com/2010/11/20/teachers-bonuses-masters-degrees-_n_786449.html.  U.S. Education Secretary Arne Duncan is citing figures from studies showing that teachers with master's degrees are not more effective than educators with only an undergrad degree.  Duncan suggests that a way to trim the education budget would be to do away with master's bonuses because they are not justified.  Apparently, Bill Gates feels the same way, stating "My own state of Washington has an average salary bump of nearly $11,000 for a master's degree – and more than half of our teachers get it. That's more than $300 million every year that doesn't help kids."  Suggestions include increasing starting salaries and the ever-popular tying compensation to student achievement gains.  I am of the firm opinion that education is never wasted and provides benefits in some way.  Why shouldn't a person be rewarded if they make the time and effort to improve their job skills?  I'm worried that education reform is the topic du jour and people just want change for the sake of change (e.g., the most current election) without truly examining the long term effects.  Does that mean all of us in EDU 653 are wasting our time and money? 

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